9-8-20 Announcements

Football tickets for Friday, September 11th game will be sold in the front office from 9 AM to 2 PM each day until they are sold out. Limit is 5 per person. 
Gaming Club will meet each Friday after school in Mr. Street's room. For details, ask Mr. Street.
ACT Prep meets on Tuesday and Thursdays with a session from 3-5 and a session from 5:30-7:30.  ACT Prep will meet on Parent Teacher Conference night.   There is only 5 weeks left until the October ACT testing season; if you want to prepare to do your best on the ACT see Ms. Farris, Ms. Kessel or Ms. Williams to join ACT Prep after-school!
Seniors if you want to join Rho Kappa (National Social Studies Honors Society), see Coach Kennard in room 41 to get an application. 
Project Graduation has applications ready for Senior Parking Spot painting day. See Mrs. Coffman in her office to pick up an application. Apps are due back by September 24. The painting day is set for Saturday, October 10.