9-22-20 Announcements

Football tickets for Friday, September 25th game will be sold in the front office beginning Tuesday, September 22th from 9 AM to 2 PM each day until they are sold out. Limit is 5 per person. 

This Friday, September 25 is the registration deadline for all 4 October National ACT test dates:  Saturday, October 10, Saturday, October 17, Saturday, October 24 and Sunday, October 25 

If you qualify for Free/Reduced meals and are in 11th-12th grade, you also qualify for 4 FEE WAIVERS that will cover your registration fees for 4 different ACT test dates.  You can pick up an ACT FEE Waiver from Ms. Robin Livingston if you qualify. 

In addition, all LA seniors will take the ACT on Tuesday, October 6 during the school day.  10th graders will take the Pre-ACT on this date as well.  You do not need to register for these October 6 tests; they are provided by the state for all students.   The ACT is a graduation requirement. 

Students if you receive a library slip sent to you, please do not throw it away. If you have the book just return it to the library and if there are any questions, see Mrs. Padgett. The library is open! Come check out some fabulous books!!
If anyone is interested in joining the Interact club, please see Mrs. Coffman in 47B to pick up a membership form. Form is due back by Thursday, September 24. 
Gaming Club will meet each Friday after school in Mr. Street's room. For details, ask Mr. Street.
ACT Prep meets on Tuesday and Thursdays with a session from 3-5 and a session from 5:30-7:30.  ACT Prep will meet on Parent Teacher Conference night.   There is only 5 weeks left until the October ACT testing season; if you want to prepare to do your best on the ACT see Ms. Farris, Ms. Kessel or Ms. Williams to join ACT Prep after-school!


